PG Slots Cassino Workforce Wellbeing – IHSCM PG Slots CassinoPG Slots Cassino PG Slots Cassino

Workforce Wellbeing

The Workforce Wellbeing SIG highlights physical and mental workforce wellbeing in all aspects. It is one of our most popular SIGs and meets monthly to plan a whole range of events and reports.


If you are interested and would like more information please get in touch.

Submit Resources

If you have a resource or testimonial about people and organisations doing best practices, particularly evidence-based solutions, please submit them using the form.

Workforce Conferences

These conferences address:
  1. Workforce Wellbeing
  2. Leading and developing a mental & community health workforce.
  3. The graduate scheme and how to attract talent to health & social care.
  4. How digital conversations can do the heavy lifting for HR and drive workforce planning, wellbeing, engagement and development
  5. Engaging with clinical colleagues.
  6. Leading a diversified workforce.
  7. Identifying & promoting workforce talent.

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