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A People Plan for Social Care – A Special Insight

A comprehensive People Plan for social care has been long awaited and the Institute of Health & Social Care Management (IHSCM) and the IHSCM Social Care Innovators People Plan Sub-Committee has proactively addressed the deficiency here. We engaged in a three-month consultation where all current leaders in social care were provided with the opportunity to advise their comments for this report so that a People Plan for the sector could be created by the sector instead of just for the sector.

The People Plan

A People Plan For Social Care A Special Insight

This People Plan is the result of a 3-month consultation with care managers, providers and leaders and frontline staff by the Institute of Health and Social Care Management (IHSCM) and the IHSCM Social Care Innovators People Plan Sub Committee. The people plan sub committee was formed August 2021 and consultation ran through to the end of November 2021.

The Summary

A People Plan For Social Care A Special Insight - The Summary

Virtual Wards

Emerging from the pandemic and faced with an overwhelming number of patients on waiting lists, the NHS is turning to efficiency gains and innovative treatment options. One innovation, not entirely new, but about to be implemented at scale is the virtual ward.

We held a Virtual Wards Round Table on 15th February 2022, hosted by Roy Lilley. Roy was joined by an expert panel to discuss the details around virtual wards: Professor Alison Leary, Elaine Strachan-Hall, Steph Lawrence, Alexandra Evans and Dr Elaine Maxwell.

If your organisation is running or planning to run virtual wards, then you simply have to watch this event on catch-up and read the event informed publication on key topics that were emphasised, explored or challenged.

Creating Stronger Relationships Between Managers and Clinicians

Clinicians and managers work in a range of settings across primary and secondary care. In 2013 the NHS alone employed 147,087 doctors, 371,777 qualified nursing staff, and 36,360 managers. This paper focuses particularly on the relationship between clinicians and managers within acute settings, although some of our recommendations may apply to other sectors.

Building Future Leaders

The NHS has, for a number of years, been widely perceived as being in the grip of a ‘leadership crisis’, with many key posts unfilled or filled by interims, and a high turnover of senior staff. A third of NHS trusts have vacancies for key leaders at board level or interims in post. Almost one in six have no substantive chief executive, and the same number have no substantive medical director. At present, the average tenure of an NHS chief executive is only two and a half years.

Fairness at Work

The research is clear. Treating healthcare staff fairly and with respect improves the health and well-being of staff, improves how organisations work and enhances patient care and safety. Ensuring that the talent of all who work in the NHS is recognised and developed is essential. Equality and diversity are enshrined in the NHS Constitution. They are statutory obligations for healthcare employers. They are written into your contracts of employment.

This guide signposts the framework employers must work within, the approaches that are more likely to work, and where to find more information.

The Winters Tale

The Winter’s Tale, written in collaboration with Richard Vize, is the culmination of a series of in-depth interviews undertaken with acute trusts across England about their experiences of surviving another winter.

The report focuses on the processes and behaviours of the emergency teams that are managing to deliver outstanding results despite the ever increasing challenges. The report is a must for anyone that works in or interacts with A&E departments or is interested in how human factor changes can positively influence difficult situations.

Bereavement: A Practical Guide for NHS Managers

To help frontline staff and managers, Jules Lewis, Roy Lilley, Jules Lock, Professor Anne Faulkner & Liz Prior have produced a guide to help everybody understand what is required of them, and their organisation, when coming into contact with recently bereaved relatives and friends.

An A-Z of Management

This book is a collection of advice, ideas, anecdote and fun that Roy Lilley has collected over the years. It is partly tongue in cheek and partly deadly serious. If it makes you think, it’s done its job.

There’s Room at the Top: A Fast Track Guide To Writing a CV

The NHS is undergoing another big change.

The chances are you will be put in a position where you’ll have to apply for the job you are already doing or perhaps move on. Either way you’ll need a CV – the right CV.

Roy Lilley has produced this easy to read guide to help you produce a tailore CV to get the job of your dreams, or to ensure you keep your existing one.

Read this guide to Bragging with a purpose.

70 Questions. A Workbook for the Board and Senior Managers

We were delighted to partner with IMS MAXIMS on the launch of Roy Lilley’s book ’70 Questions. A workbook for the Board and Senior Managers’, to celebrate 70 years of the NHS.

The Overwhelmed Manager


Martyn Dawes has shared his wonderful book with us “The Overwhelmed Manager”. He speaks about what to do when you don’t know what to do, it is time to redress the balance,
to not be ashamed to ask for help.
To love ourselves again, this book is for you.

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