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Chronic Illness and Mental Health

Living with a chronic illness often poses unique challenges that can extend beyond the physical aspects of health. It can take a toll on mental wellbeing, impacting emotional resilience and overall quality of life. Managing chronic illness often involves a combination of both medical intervention and a holistic approach that addresses mental health. By fostering a positive mindset, seeking support from loved ones, and incorporating mindfulness practices, individuals can enhance their emotional resilience while navigating the complexities of chronic illness.

We’ve curated a list of valuable resources that provide insights, coping strategies, and professional guidance to assist those who may be struggling. These resources aim to empower individuals with chronic illnesses to prioritize their mental health. Remember, you’re not alone, and there are tools and support networks available to help you navigate the intersection of chronic illness and mental health.




Six Approaches to Living and Thriving with a Chronic Illness

By Rev. Chelsea MacMillan and Dr. Jon Adler 

Our authors share their journey of acceptance and resilience after being diagnosed with a chronic illness. They provide insights into managing physical and emotional challenges through community support, online forums, journaling, exercise, mental health care, and more!

Read the Article Here


A Personal Health Coach for Those Living With Chronic Diseases

By Priscilla Pemu M.S.

There’s no shortage of resources to help people change their health behaviors – but far too often, these resources aren’t accessible in underserved communities, says physician Priscilla Pemu. Enter “culturally congruent coaching,” a program Pemu and her team developed to help patients with chronic diseases monitor their health with the assistance of a coach from their community. Learn more about how this approach transcends language and cultural barriers – and could potentially transform health care in America.

Watch the 8-Minute Video Here


Coping with Chronic Illness

Black Girls Heal

In this heartfelt episode, Shena opens up about her experience living with a chronic illness. She offers not only a personal narrative but also extends a supportive hand as she shares five encouraging messages for those navigating similar challenges.

Listen to the 54-Minute Podcast Here


Chronic Pain and Mental Health Disorders
Mayo Clinic

Dr. W. Michael Hooten, a Pain Specialist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, outlines his article appearing in the July 2016 issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings, which reveals the complexity of the relationship between chronic pain and mental illness and offers recommendations for effective treatment courses.

Watch the 4-Minute Video Here



Are Your “Off Days” a Sign of Depression?

“Off days” are normal for everyone. Some days, you may have trouble falling asleep or getting out of bed the next day. Other days, your mind may wander a bit, or you find it difficult to focus when you’re at work or in class. It’s okay if one of these off days happens occasionally, but if you find that they are happening often, then you may be experiencing symptoms of depression.

Take this assessment to find out if it’s just an “off day” or a sign of clinical depression. Afterward, check out our recommended resources for ways to help with those off days.


Take the Assessment


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