

IHSCM members have access to all of our content including:

Short Courses

Why not take a look at our Introduction to Mentoring PowerHour covering the key themes around mentoring, the whys and the benefits, as a precursor to our Introduction to Mentoring Short course.


Watch Dr Clair Mould’s workshop on Positive Recruitment and Retention 

On Demand Event Recordings

Catch up on one of our events:


Peruse our resources and watch a related event recording;

We have created several short and simple guides to support you with the successful running of your care service including Social Care Solutions – Using Social Media

If you would like to join thousands of your fellow managers across health and social care who value their membership of the IHSCM, head to the Join Us page of our website.

Even full membership is less than the price of a take-away coffee each week! 

If you have any queries regarding membership please contact our Membership Manager Emma on [email protected]

Sum Up Social Care - Newsletter image for Institute of Health and Social Care Management

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